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USAF F-4 on approach for landing on NAVY carrier cartoon

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USAF F-4 on approach for landing on NAVY carrier cartoon

The cartoon shows a USAF F-4 turning on approach to a NAVY carrier with gear and hook down. On the distant carrier the deck crew members can be seen jumping overboard. The cartoon may have originated in Approach magazine.

 Walt House, 12th TFW 1968

USAF cartoon

The only time I've ever seen that cartoon

was when I transitioned into F4s.

Amazingly it was on the inside front

cover of the NATOPS flight manual, which was

a seriously classified document. 

Someone in G2 really pulled one off.

You are the only person who has spotted it

besides myself.

I donated mine a few years ago to the Naval Aviation

Museum in Pensacola Florida. They had several others also.

I asked one of the researchers if he had noticed it, Nada.

The picture did show two AF F4s, in parade, on final.

Where did you see it? Sharp eyes!

Give me your email and I'll try get you a copy. 


USAF cartoon

The only time I've ever seen that cartoon

was when I transitioned into F4s.

Amazingly it was on the inside front

cover of the NATOPS flight manual, which was

a seriously classified document. 

Someone in G2 really pulled one off.

You are the only person who has spotted it

besides myself.

I donated mine a few years ago to the Naval Aviation

Museum in Pensacola Florida. They had several others also.

I asked one of the researchers if he had noticed it, Nada.

The picture did show two AF F4s, in parade, on final.

Where did you see it? Sharp eyes!

Give me your email and I'll try get you a copy. 


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