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After almost 30 years in publication All SmokeTrail HARD COPY Magazines are gone.

The "Spring Sale" of Hard Copy Smoke Trail Magazines ended on March 31st at noon CDT.  All Smoke Trail Magazines in "HARD COPY" are no longer available through the Store.

As a reminder, the Smoke Trail Magazines that have been converted electronically to PDF format, remain avalable through the Society Store. Order them in the normal way. The minimum order of any merchandise returned to $4.95 plus shipping and handling.

These fine, high quality, unique hard copy magazines were a tribute to the "Phabuluous Phantom", its flight and ground crews, its missions, history, and accomplishments. Thank you for your continued support of the F-4 Phantom II Society.

Paul Kuzinski, F-4 Phantom II Society Store Manager



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