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Purchase "Angel's Truck Stop" The Book


 Lt. Col. Angelica "Angel" Pilato is a member of the F-4 Phantom II Society and spoke to our conference in 2015 on "Her Love Affair with the F-4 Phantom." She received a standing ovation and kept the audience laughing with her engaging stories.

Her memoir "Angel’s Truck Stop: A Woman’s Love, Laughter and Loss during the Vietnam War", highlights the choices, conflicts and challenges she faced as the first Air Force Woman Officer to manage an Officers’ Club in a war zone at Udorn Air Base, Thailand.

There she encounters testosterone-fueled fighter pilots that take off on dangerous targets in North Vietnam – their mission - to Kill MiGs. Some come back, many do not. When victorious, they head to the O-Club bar, but before the drinking begins they park their squadron truck into the O-Club lobby. 

The fighter pilots christen the Officers' Club "Angel’s Truck Stop", which becomes the backdrop for the hilarious and at times, heart-wrenching stories she relates. This memoir keeps the reader engaged from beginning to end. 


To Purchase "Angel's Truck Stop" go to the F-4 Society Store's Main Page and click on the link there.


Cost to F-4 Phantom II Society members:  $19.95 USD (regular $25.00)

Shipping Costs in U.S. $3.95 - For shipping outside the U.S. contact the author.

10% of sales from F-4 members will be donated to the

F-4 Phantom II Society

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