In the twilight of US service as QF-4 Drones, Overland Park, Missouri artist and poet, Ms. Suzan Kauczka wrote, published, signed, numbered and dated a Limited Edition color artwork and poem as copyrighter, honoring the F-4 Phantom II. The “Society” titled her work; “Phantom Trails” and its FREE!
Ms. Kauczka donated her works Free to the Society and any customer wishing a copy through the This-N-That section of the F-4 Store. Her work is mounted on regular stock colored paper, 8.5 x 11 in, but not framed. By checking the box; F-4 Free Poem, the item is added to the customer’s cart, and also adds a very minor shipping charge. A second box below it, provides an opportunity (not required) to donate any financial amount, either at the time of ordering or after the order, directly to the Society. Whether a customer chooses to donate now or anytime later is completely up to each customer. The F-4 Phantom II Society thanks Ms. Kauczka for donating her very special artwork and poem for all customers to enjoy. The Society also thanks each customer for their continued support of its dedicated mission through the purchase of its merchandise.
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