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F-4 Tailhook for sale

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F-4 Tailhook for sale

I have a once used F-4 tailhook for sale. I've had it as a conversation piece for over 30 yeras but it's time for it to find a good (new) home. 

It's the real deal, full size (see attach pic) and will deliver it for free within 150 nm of Tampa otherwise I will ship it to you.

Cost $799.

Ck 6,

M. Thomas


I am very interested in your

I am very interested in your F-4 Tailhook for sale. Ph number is 858-472-1099. Thanks, Jim VanLangen. 

Still available?

Need it for a pedestal display at the East Mississippi Veteran's Memorial park. 

Still available?

Need it for a pedestal display at the East Mississippi Veteran's Memorial park. 

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