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F-4 Phantom II Society


The F-4 Phantom II Society Incorporated (F-4 Society) is an IRS approved 501(C)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. The F-4 Society is dedicated to the preservation of the history of the F-4 Phantom II aircraft (now in service for over 60 years) through the Journal of the F-4 Society, SMOKE TRAILS, and via this web site of the F-4 Society,

As a charitable organization, it is the responsibility and practice of the F-4 Society to support other similar nonprofit organizations that are actively acquiring and preserving F-4 Phantom II airframes and other artifacts. This activity has historically involved the contribution of artifacts and financial support.

In order to continue with our self imposed mandates, we rely upon income from a variety of resources which include membership dues, merchandise sales, and tax free contributions from all who wish to participate. Please note that 100% of the funds generated by the F-4 Society are invested in the promotion of the aforementioned preservation of the history of the F-4 Phantom. Our IRS required annual financial statement is available upon request.

  Society History

The Society began in 1984 as the brain-child of Paul Collins of Erlanger, Kentucky. In 1988 he relinquished the society to Bill Spidle of Plano, Texas. In 1992, the Society's leadership changed hands again and was assumed by Jan Jacobs of San Diego, California, a retired USN Commander and F-4 RIO. In March 2002 the leadership of the Society was passed on for a brief period to Jack Callaway of El Paso, Texas. 

In October 2002, Lt. Col. Bob Kay took over the reigns of the society from Jack. Lt. Col Kay, USAF (Ret) is currently a Global Hawk production test pilot with Northrop Grumman at Edwards Air Force Base in California.  Prior to that he was the QF-4 program manager and QF-4E/QRF-4C production test/instructor pilot for BAE Systems in Mojave CA for nearly six years.  He has flown every USAF F-4 variant except “Vanilla” C models as well as the AT-38B, QF-106A/B and the F-117A.

In October 2011 Jim Thompson became our president.  Jim is a retired U.S.A.F. Senior NCO (1968-1992) with over seventeen years maintenance experience with the F-4 in several variant, F-4C, D, RF and E models.  An active supporter of the Society for many years Jim served as Events Coordinator for the past four.  Jim stepped back in late 2016 but maintained a guiding presence until 2019.  

Tom Hughes took over as President in 2017.  Tom is a former USAF Crew Chief on the F-4D at Bitburg and Holloman, an FAA licensed Airframe and Powerplant mechanic, later working for BF Goodrich and Netjets Aviation.   He is also a 32nd Degree Mason and has volunteered with the Boy Scouts of America for 30 years.

In 2021, Greg Amos took over as President.  Greg has been on the board of the society since 2014, first as Co-Webmaster then as Vice President.   He is a long time military history, airshow and aircraft buff.  Growing up outside Dayton Ohio, he has been a fan of the F-4, seeing them fly regularly with the 906th Air Force Reserve out of Wright Patterson Air Force Base from 1982-89.

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