Here are some websites we think you might find interesting. Please use the Forum to tell us of others.
Every once in a while one of the links below will become inaccurate due to changes elsewhere. Please report dead links to the webmaster via Contacts, and if you know the new link, that too. Thanks!
Link to:
-The F-4 Phantom II Society Facebook page
F-4 History/Data
-The F-4 Phantom Community by Hispaviacion
A Unique space exclusively dedicated to the F-4 Phantom to showcase the history of a legendary aircraft
QF-4 Phantom Retirement Ceremony, Holloman AFB, December 21, 2016.
A 28 minute video of the public event.
Great Planes: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
A 60 minute YouTube video produced in 1986. (Modern Combat Aircraft 3)
First and Last...The Video
Video from May 13th, 2016 when Lt. Col Ronald "Elvis" King brought F-4E, 73-167 to St. Louis and chatted with Original F4H-1 Test Pilot, Bob Little.
- F-4 Phantom II (NL)
- The Phantom Shrine (UK)
- 4453rd FastBucks Phantoms Phorever Maintained by one of our members, Buck Seibert.
- Richard Keyt's Memories of Men Who Flew the F-4 in Combat in the Vietnam War is chock full of great stories, tales and events.
F-4s on display
- Aviation Heritage Park Bowling Green KY
- National Museum of the US Air Force
Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton Ohio
- Air Force Armament Museum Eglin AFB Florida
Tucson AZ
- PIMA Air & Space Tucson AZ
- Naval and Air Museum Barbers Point (F-4N)
- National Naval Aviation Museum
- Pacific Aviation Museum (F-4C)
- The Collings Foundation (F-4D)
- 80th Fighter Squadron Headhunters
- VMFA 531 - Gray Ghost Squadron
- Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association RRVFPA
- exMACs (retired McDonnell Teammates)
- APSOCAL (Aviation Photographers of S California)
- Association of Naval Aviation
- USS America Carrier Veterans
- National League of POW Families
- Air Warrior Courage Foundation
-The Distinguished Flying Cross Society
Books and Magazines
- Scramble
- Sharpshooter Military Aviation Photography
- The Aviation Bookshop (UK)
- APSOCAL (Aviation Photographers of S California)
- F-4 photos by Gary Chambers (over 700)
- Air-Scene Europe (UK)
- AirShows North America (courtesy of Warbird Alley)
- Airshows around the world (courtesy of Scramble)
- Squadron Prints
Long time supporter of the F-4 Phantom II Society.
- Aerocatures by Hank Caruso
- The Little Shop of Phantoms (AirDoc)
Long time supporter of the F-4 Society
- AvCollect (Aviation Art)
- AeroEmblem (Patches)
- The Virtual Wall (Vietnam Veterans Memorial)
- F-4 Thunderbird Simulator
Check their airshow schedule
- Warbird Alley Vintage airworthy ex-military aircraft & very
good listing of AirShows
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