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Join /Renew


This website is devoted to supporting the efforts of the F-4 Phantom II Society to preserve the heritage of the F-4 Phantom.   There are three levels of access provided.

Public: read only access to this website.  Convenient access also to our F-4 Store (100% goes to the Society). 

Registered (free non-Member account): provides the capability to post in the public forums {F-4 Phorever, Need information on, Links, Reunions & Events}, ask your questions and contribute your expertise.  This is for folks actually interested in the F-4, it's history, and the folks who flew and maintained them. We reserve the right to not validate folks who fail that criteria.  

Member: a paid membership with full access including the Members Only section.  

Step 1: Register

To post to the public forums you will need to create a registered account.  Simply click on the Register link at the top right corner to fill out an application (or click on the "Create New Account" link in the User Login box to the left).  It will be reviewed and once approved you will receive an email with a link to log in and create a password.  Because this is an all volunteer operation such approval can take a few days, but usually occurs within 48 hours.  As a quick reminder, this is not a membership account.  To become a member see below.

Spanish Membership Instructions

Greek Membership Instructions

Step 2: Join the Society, or Renew your Membership 

We are so glad you wish to join or continue your support of the F-4 Phantom II Society.  A regular years membership comes via a credit card donation of $20 (We cannot accept PayPal at this time). That goes directly towards publishing Smoke Trails, support of this web site, administrative and legal fees (think tax preparation), and our support, in turn, of other like-minded organizations.

As a member you will receive access to a Members Only area where you may download Smoke Trails published during your term of membership for free.  You also receive access to private forums.    

Joining or renewing requires that you have a Registered Account on this website and be logged in to it, BEFORE you click on the link below.  You will be denied access otherwise.  Have you completed Step 1?
If you are presently logged in simply click on:

  Join the F-4 Society/Renew my membership . 


-- Non-Members: If you have previously registered, go ahead and log in and come back to this page.
    If you have never registered take time now to Register
, then come back to this page when done to join. It only takes a few minutes to do so, creating an account is free, and even if you do not join you will be able to post in our open forums!

-- Members:  All current members with an email address should already have a "registered" account tied to that address.
If you have previously logged in and validated your account then just log in now and renew.
    If not then all you need to do is validate your account by requesting a new password using the same email address at which you normally receive Society messages.  To do that:
        On the main page in the User Login box simply
 Request new password to get going.  Follow the instructions.  
        If the server does not recognize the email address it will let you know.  You may have changed it and forgot to advise us.  In that case use Contact to sort it out with the Membership Director. 
        When finished come back to this page.
But you may find you don't need to renew.  Once logged in, check the Membership Information box on the left side of the main page to see when we think your membership expires.  

(Again if you are not logged in and you click on "Join the F-4 Society/Renew My Membership" link you will be denied access.  Not sure it you want to join? Register anyways! It is free and it allows you to post comments and participate in several forums.)  

Q: I am a current member but I don't remember what email address I gave you folks. 
A: If you received a renewal reminder the address is the same as the one used for it.  If you cannot determine what it is just use Contact on this website to ask the membership director to look up the email address.   You may also use your user name to  request a new password.  

Q: What if I want to use a different email address from what I provided the Society, or what if I never gave you an email address?. 
A:  Let the membership director (via Contact) know the new address.  They will update it and then advise you when you can request a new password.  They may call you to verify the change.  

Q: What if I have already registered here but I used a different email address from the one I gave the Society? 
A: Please let the webmaster and membership director know which one you wish to use.  They will make the changes and either call or email you when all is ready for you to renew.   

Q: I previously registered but I have forgotten my password so I can't log on. What do I do?
A: Request the system to send you a
new password.  See log in box for link.  

Q: I know I registered but I have forgotten what email address I used.  Help.
A: In that case use Contact to ask the membership director for assistance.  Help is only an email away.  

Q: I tried resetting my password but the server won't let me in.  Help!
A: Somewhere along the way you got off the beaten path.  The easiest way to get back on is to start the process over by again requesting a new password to generate another email with a fresh URL to click on.  Remember, that URL only works one time. (We suggest maybe emptying your browsers cache too. Some are a bit too helpful.)   We do find that Firefox is often a better browser to use than Internet Explorer.  Safari and Chrome also usually work just fine. 

Q: I joined a few minutes ago but I still don't see anything different.  Where is that Members Only area?
A: It can take up to twenty four hours for the server to process new member applications and upgrade your status to member.  Normally it gets the job done within eight hours, that is, if you paid by credit card and such payment was automatically approved.  Once you are approved you will see two new boxes on the left side of the main page.  One holds your membership information (including when it expires), and the other has links to member only areas.  
If you are concerned that things are taking too long please feel free to contact the membership director.


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