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Phantom Reunion

The Phantom Conference was an event our Society sponsored once a year for a worldwide gathering of F-4 enthusiasts.  Aviators, maintenance personnel, support folks, hobbyists, photographers, modelers, watchers, all joined to share experiences, update friendships, and view any F-4s on site.  Some brought their extensive photo collections to share.  We also attracted vendors specializing in F-4 memorabilia and merchandise.  We worked in visits to various flying organizations on the base, trips to the flightline and near to the runway for photo opportunities and a trip to a local aviation museum if available.  The last Phantom Conference occurred in 2016 just prior to the QF-4 retirement from service in the United States Air Force.

The Society continues to meet with a scaled down version of the Phantom Conference called The F-4 Phantom II Society Reunion.  This is a less formal manner to get together and will base in a city with a museum or ahead of a local airshow.  

Where next?  

 We are returning to Greece at Andravida Air Base, July 10 and 11, 2023.

To Register, between March 31 and May 31, go to the Phancon 2024 link in the Members Only section.



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