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The Public Forums listed below are for the use of registered users. One does not need to be a member to participate. Some may be read only. These standard guidelines apply: no copyrighted material, keep discussions friendly and to the point. What you post is your responsiblity. The Society assumes no liability.
Note, you may be able to see the titles of recent posts but unless you are validated you will not be able to read them. Members have a private set of forums.
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Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post | |
The F-4 Phorever theme started about when the F-4 reached its 40th birthday, maybe even before that, and has continued on. This is a forum open to all registered users to discuss the Phabulous F-4 past, present, and future (yes, some are still flying). Cleared in HOT.
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Heatblur - DCS: F... by Dogfaceman 09/25/2024 - 10:36 |
If you need information on the F-4 Phantom, it's history, units, or aircrews, ask away here.
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F-4C 64-0707 by Shotsfromsabin 01/29/2025 - 10:40 |
Submit or discuss links to other F-4 related websites.
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Smoke Trails... by Crew.Chief 05/11/2023 - 04:32 |
Places to see the F-4 or meet up with fellow F-4 drivers, maintainers, and enthusiasts.
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PhanCon 2024 by Steve Billings 07/13/2024 - 13:41 |
Announcements for Members, Past Members and Phriends of the F-4 Phantom II Society who have Flown West
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Don Logan by F4DPhan 04/15/2024 - 16:30 |
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