slideshow 1 slideshow 2 slideshow 3 slideshow 4 slideshow 5 Last of the Bunnies slideshow 7 slideshow 8 slideshow 9 4th TFW 336TFS going to war PhuCat EOR Heritage Flight 2007 slideshow 12 slideshow 13 slideshow 14 slideshow 15 slideshow 16 slideshow 17 slideshow 18 slideshow 19 slideshow 20 slideshow 21 slideshow 22 69-7235 MiGKiller George AFB Dec 72 Scott Wilson slideshow 26 SonicWave SCAT

Phinal ROKAF F-4E Appearance Before Retirement

The Republic of Korea Air Force held the last public event with their F-4E Phantoms on April 27th, 2024.  Photojournalist Wonwoo Choi was there and published his report from the Suwon Space Challenge in "The Aviationist".  The F-4E retirement is scheduled for June 7, 2024.  The link to his article is below.

Smoke Trails 29-1 Published

Smoke Trails 29-1 has been published and is now available to Members in good standing in the Members Only section.

Features included are the history of F-4D 65-0720, Phantom Books, Linebacker II, the Aviation Photography of Don Spering and a tribute to Don Pardo who flew west this year.

Phancon 2024 Registration is CLOSED

* Our limit of 80 Registrants has been met*

The Distinguished Flying Cross Society

It has been awhile since we have the opportunity to share a reunion date from one of our partners.  See below, the Distinguished Flying Cross Society's reunion in October 2023.

Phancon 2023 call phor Photos

In Memorium

More Event coverage with the 123 Squadron TITANES

Honoring the 65th Phantom Anniversary

Members of the 123 TITANES Squadron celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the F-4 Phantom II.

All photographs courtesy of Ruben Galindo and Carlos De La Cruz.


In Remembrance: Steve Eisner

On March 26th, one of our longest standing members, Steve Eisner, passed away after a long illness.  The following are a few words from our officers that knew him best:

Uncirculated Hard Copies of Pre-PDF Smoke Trails Magazines - Limited Availability

PhanCon 2023 Registration is now CLOSED

Smoke Trails 28-1 Released

Meridian Mississippi's RF-4C Restoration Completion

Jeff Summerlin sent us this update on the Meridian RF-4C Phantom.  Thank you, Jeff!  She looks great!

PhanCon 2022 was Phantastic!


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