The City of Alamogordo has been awarded a retired QF-4E airframe from the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron, Detachment 1, based at Holloman AFB. Below is a Facebook Post from former 82nd ATRS, Det 1 Commander, and our friend, Lt. Col Ron "Elvis" King, USAF Ret.
As many of you learned last week, the city of Alamogordo has received approval to acquire QF-4E AF-350, 74-1625, as a static display. Many thanks to Jim Talbert, the Alamogordo Airport Manager and F-4 WSO for his efforts to make this a reality. I also heard that our very own WAM Jim Harkins was instrumental in this process (although he's the one who told me that, so who really knows?!). Regardless, I'm absolutely thrilled that one of our last birds will be preserved! Here is information on how to make a tax-deductible donation to help with the effort (from Jim Talbert):
I have set up an account with the City of Alamogordo to accept donations for the painting and site construction of the F-4E static display. Any checks or money orders are to be made out to the City of Alamogordo with F-4 Static AP 1804 in the memo line. This way the donation is tax deductible. Mail the donations to Jim Talbert, Alamogordo Airport 3500 Airport Road #4, Alamogordo NM 88310 and I will take care of getting the donor a receipt if needed and I will get the donation to the city then to the F-4. Thank you so much for spreading the word!!
Jim Talbert
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