A former RF-4C Phantom II aircraft that served and was flown by Meridian’s 186th Air Guard Unit has been retrieved from the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, AKA “The Boneyard” in
Tucson, AZ. The process to move Meridian’s Jet home is underway. The Phantom Jet was picked up by Worldwide Aircraft Recovery on June 6 (D-Day Remembrance) and taken to Pima Air and Space Museum
where it will be disassembled and prep for road haul to Meridian. The disassembly will take approximately a week. Once that is completed, the jet will be hauled to Meridian, with an
estimated arrival date of June 16. Once on our project site, it will be re-assembled and placed on a pedestal for display. Ponsford LTD is scheduled to do restoration work in the coming months on the
Phantom. Once that is all completed, landscaping, construction of a sidewalk, and signage will be added around the display. The static aircraft display will be the first completed area within the East Mississippi
Veterans Memorial Park of four planned areas. Plans for a Dedication Ceremony will be forthcoming. Meridian’s Jet will be displayed honoring the past and present men and women who have served with
Meridian’s Air Guard unit since it was official established on September 27, 1939. The jet will also stand in honor of all service members from all branches of service who served in the U. S. Armed Forces.
About Meridian’s Jet, RF-4C Phantom II 67-0438. Meridian’s Jet was delivered to the 186th on September 21,1979 and was retired by the 186th to The Boneyard on September 9, 1991.
The RF-4 is an unarmed all weather photographic reconnaissance version of the USAF's F-4C Phantom. The RF-4 carried a variety of film-based and side-looking radar
About the East Mississippi Veterans Foundation
The East Mississippi Veterans Foundation is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization established in December
2018 for the purpose of creating the East Mississippi Veterans Memorial Park. This Memorial Park will
be a perpetual tribute to those men and women, past and present, from Meridian and East Mississippi
who have served or who are currently serving in our Armed Forces of the United States. The Memorial
Park will consist of four distinct areas - Aircraft Static Display, Wall of Remembrance, Freedom Walkway
and Armed Forces Plaza. The East Mississippi Veterans Memorial Park will be located adjacent to
Meridian’s historical Key Field. More information about the East Mississippi Veterans Memorial Park can
be found at our website www.emsvf.org
If you have any questions, please contact me at emvmfoundation@gmail.com or call 601-480-0293
Jeffrey G. Summerlin
East Mississippi Veterans Foundation
Post Office Box 4755
Meridian, MS. 39304
A 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization
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