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Current list of QF-4s

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Current list of QF-4s

Is there any way to get a current list and location of the remaining QF-4s.  The one I'm most interested in F-4E 68-0423, QF-4 #305.

AF 305

Hi Willy, I could get a paper list from the unit when we visited Tyndall during the Phancon in October 2014. Here is the info on it regarding #305:

SPAD |MDS |Current Status |Dt Arrived| Serial # |Termination Dt |Current or Termination Location

AF305 |QF4E |Terminated |4-Aug-06 |68-0423 |28-Apr-09 |Tyndall

Cheers, Guy

Guy, thanks for the update. 

Guy, thanks for the update.  68-0423 was my assigned F-4E at Moody AFB, GA from 1982-1985.  I got it back when I returned from Korea in 86.  When we were converting to the F-16 in 87 I flew it out to Riverside, CA to give to the guard unit there.  Great plane maintained by a great AMU.  Will always have the fondest memories of it. 

You're welcome Willy

I'm sure she rests in peace in the Gulf waters...

Does termination date mean

Does termination date mean date destroyed?  If it was in support of a WSEP sortie that makes me feel better.  Rather that then melting away at AMARC before the eventual scrapping.

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