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Phantom F4M

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Phantom F4M

Hi I've just joined up hoping to be able to pick a few brains.

I am a volunteer worker with The Solway Aviation Museum here in the UK and we have in captivity one of only a handful of F4M FGR2 aircraft in private hands, most were cruelly scrapped in the early 90s as part of an agreement to destroy airframes when they came out of service.

The airframe we have is XV406 and it has been abandoned on our airfield for 26 years, any preservation work was strictly forbidden, that said however recently we have now received the go ahead to accept it as an official exhibit here at the museum.

A small team of our volunteers have taken on the task of corrosion removal and refurbishment of the aircraft to an acceptable static display standard. As and when we need technical assistance I am hoping you will be able assist us and point us in the right direction so we can get the job done.

Cheers for now


I live up in Ayrshire and

I live up in Ayrshire and that airframe is in my logbook. I need to come and visit!

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