Does anybody know if there's going to be a a PhanCon 2024? If so, do you have an details on it?
Nothing yet but we are planning on it and will post it on the site when there is an answer.
Thanks Crew!
anything about the PhanCon 24??? As we are planning the trip it would be nice to get some details about "check-in time in Andravida" etc...
Looking forward!!!
Once we nail down specific times, our EZRegiser page will be updated. From my recollection, we usually meet outside the main gate around 0800L.
as usual...the early Bird catches the Phantom...;-)
Is anyone going to Andravida who happens to be staying in Kyllini?
Hi, I will be staying at the Hotel Ionion by the Kyllini harbor. I will be there on Tuesday around 5:00 in the afternoon.
Hi Stransp, I'm in the other hotel down the road a little (still by the harbour). I'm not there until around 9ish on the evening.
Maybe meet up at some point?
Hi wiskeybravo,
shure we can meet maybe we can have a beer or a small bite,
you are at the Hotel Glarentza ?? it is walking distance.
Do you want to pass by my hotel ?? I will be at the porch of the hotel relaxing
My name is Spiros Strangalos, also I will have a car so we can go together at the base in morning.
Hi Spiros, Yes I'm in the Glarentza. I'll try and find you when I arrive. My name is Wayne. Yamas.
Hi Wayne,
I can come and pick you up, send me a message, my phone is xx306972999817, I am on Viber, WhatApp and Messenger.
I do not know if everyone got an email. On Day one, (The 10th) meet outside the main gate at 0630L to check in and received your credentials.
Yes I received the email a week ago.
Could you tell me your real name please?
It is Spiros Strangalos
Home, red, tired and broke. What a great trip! Thanks to all for organising such a great event. Phinally, thanks to the team at 338 Mira for being so accomodating.
Can you give more details of the event???
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Nothing yet but we are planning on it and will post it on the site when there is an answer.
Thanks Crew!
anything about the PhanCon 24??? As we are planning the trip it would be nice to get some details about "check-in time in Andravida" etc...
Looking forward!!!
Once we nail down specific times, our EZRegiser page will be updated. From my recollection, we usually meet outside the main gate around 0800L.
as usual...the early Bird catches the Phantom...;-)
Is anyone going to Andravida who happens to be staying in Kyllini?
Hi, I will be staying at the Hotel Ionion by the Kyllini harbor. I will be there on Tuesday around 5:00 in the afternoon.
Hi Stransp, I'm in the other hotel down the road a little (still by the harbour). I'm not there until around 9ish on the evening.
Maybe meet up at some point?
Hi wiskeybravo,
shure we can meet maybe we can have a beer or a small bite,
you are at the Hotel Glarentza ?? it is walking distance.
Do you want to pass by my hotel ?? I will be at the porch of the hotel relaxing
My name is Spiros Strangalos, also I will have a car so we can go together at the base in morning.
Hi Spiros, Yes I'm in the Glarentza. I'll try and find you when I arrive. My name is Wayne. Yamas.
Hi Wayne,
I can come and pick you up, send me a message, my phone is xx306972999817, I am on Viber, WhatApp and Messenger.
I do not know if everyone got an email. On Day one, (The 10th) meet outside the main gate at 0630L to check in and received your credentials.
Yes I received the email a week ago.
Could you tell me your real name please?
It is Spiros Strangalos
Home, red, tired and broke. What a great trip! Thanks to all for organising such a great event. Phinally, thanks to the team at 338 Mira for being so accomodating.
Can you give more details of the event???