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Bob Little has Flown West

Bob Little, the test pilot of the F4H-1 Phantom in 1958, has flown west.  We were pleased to meet him in 2015 at the Phantom Conference in Tucson.  Our condolences go out to his family as we celebrate the Phirst in the Phantom.

The link below is a 15 minute interview conducted by the St. Louis Home of Education, Arts and Culture circa 2016

St. Louis article on Bob Little's Passing wwii pilot-former aircraft executive robert bob little dies

Video: First pilot of the Phantom and the last and Last

Bob's viewing information is:

Visitation will be on Friday Aug 17 from 4 - 7 pm at Bopp Chapel with funeral the next day Aug 18 at 11 am

Bopp Chapel

10610 Manchester Road 
Kirkwood, MO 63122-1308
Phone: 314-965-7680

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