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F-4 Phantom II Society

Phancon 2024 Registration is CLOSED

* Our limit of 80 Registrants has been met*

In Memorium

In Remembrance: Steve Eisner

On March 26th, one of our longest standing members, Steve Eisner, passed away after a long illness.  The following are a few words from our officers that knew him best:

Uncirculated Hard Copies of Pre-PDF Smoke Trails Magazines - Limited Availability

Smoke Trails 28-1 Released

PhanCon 2022 was Phantastic!

Phantom Conference 2022

Announcing the First European Phantom Conference to be held at Andravida Air Base in Greece!  The dates for the conference are 5 and 6 July, 2022.  Registration opens to members in good standing on 26 March.  We hope to see you in Greece!

Introducing our Newest European Liaison

The F-4 Phantom II Society welcomes our newest European Liaison, Captain Babis Kakoulidis, Hellenic Air Force, Retired.  Babis retired from 338 Squadron as Chief Officer for Weapons at Andravida Air Force Base, Greece, the last nest of Hellenic F-4 Phantoms.

Newly Elected Society Board Members

It is official, the new President and Vice President of the F-4 Phantom II Society are Greg Amos and Steve Billings, respectively.

Additionally, Manuel Carazo, Pilot, Author, will promote the Society through the F-4 Phantom Community website as our newest European Liaison.

Society Officer Positions

F-4 Phantom II Society members,

Smoke Trails 27-1 Released

Canceled: 2021 F-4 Phantom II Society Reunion

Unfortunately, with the resurgence of Covid-19 and low attendendee numbers, we decided to  cancel the F-4 Phantom II Society Reunion which was to occur on the 14th and 15th of September, 2021 in Dayton, Ohio at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.  

Smoke Trails 26-2 Released

Smoke Trails 26-2 has been released and is available for free download to Members in good standing.  Find it in the "Members Only" tab.  Non-Members can purchase a download from the F-4 Store.

Print Sale to help the East Mississippi Veterans Foundation RF-4C Phantom

Smoke Trails 26-1 Released

Smoke Trails 26-1 has been released and is available for download to members in good standing under the Members Only section.  Others can purchase it from the F-4 Store in a few days.  


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