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Society Officer Positions

F-4 Phantom II Society members,

We were unable to have our business meeting in Dayton, Ohio, this year but we still need to elect a new President and Vice President.  Tom Hughes has served us well and has had a steady hand on the stick with eyes on the horizon.  These volunteer positions should not be life sentences and Tom is choosing to step aside.  Greg Amos has volunteered to run for President and Steve Billings has stepped forward to fill the Vice Presidency.  The Board concurs that they are good candidates.  We do want the membership to have a voice and anyone wishing to run will have fourteen days from the date of this Afterburner to enter the nomination.  After expiration of this time, the Board will meet.  If there are additional nominations, we will conduct an electronic vote via email after such time as candidate biographies and position papers can be sent out to the membership to make an informed decision.  If no additional nominations are received, candidates Amos and Billings will be voted in.  This course of action fits in with our bylaws of action without a meeting.

It is important to note that the Society is still working to keep the F-4 legacy alive.  We are making donations to organizations restoring Phantoms as funds permit.  We continue to get donations of images to build our archives.  The Board has taken a hard look at our viability and feel we have the resolve to keep the organization going.  We are an International Organization and are taking steps to expand our presence overseas.  Thank you and to quote the Spook, “Check Six!”


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