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Crew of F-4E Phantom II "El Toro Bravo", 469th TFS/388th TFW, 1970

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F Ferreira
Crew of F-4E Phantom II "El Toro Bravo", 469th TFS/388th TFW, 1970

Hi all,

What is the full name of the crew of the F-4E Phantom II 67-0309 "El Toro Bravo" with 469th TFS/388th TFW, based at Korat RTAFB, in April 1970?

In the Osprey book "USAF F-4 Phantom II Mig Killers 1972-73" only Lt Col Erickson and 1Lt Williams (p. 13) are listed.

This aircraft has a MiG Kill marking.


vietnam vet
67-0309 is not listed on any MIG kill list

USAF 388th TFW, 469th TFS, #67-0309 El Toro Bravo, Korat RTAFB, Thailand, 1960s In mid-1968 the 388th TFW stationed at Korat, RTAFB transitioned from the Republic F-105 Thunderchief to the McDonnell Douglas F-4E. F-4E 67-0309 wears a red star on the engine splitter signifying a MiG kill but it was never a confirmed victory since there was a ceasefire in place. From the 469th TFS/388th TFW the aircraft moved to the 15th TFW and then on to the 94th TFS/1st TFW. Eventually after a complete of other moves the aircraft was sold to the Egyptian AF in 1980 as 7828.

F Ferreira
"El Toro Bravo"

Many thanks for your reply. I looked in several works (USAF F-4 and F-105 MiG Killers of the Vietnam War 1965-1973; Mig Kill Markings from the Vietnam War; The 388th Tactical Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base 1972) and at most I only found photos of this aircraft.

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