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F-4 65-0604

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John Whigham
F-4 65-0604

I've been fishing in the Everglades since the 1970s. There's an engine in a bay near the Gulf of Mexico approximately 70 miles from Ft Myers, Florida, that's long been a mystery. I believe it might be from 65-0604 which crashed 2/2/1968 during a training mission out of MacDill AFB. The pilots ejected and were rescued. Can anyone tell me the bearing from Ft Myers at which 65-0604 crashed?


It's about 11 miles se of everglades city. at the north side of Huston Bay. Used to fish down there also, with my dad. It was always great crabbing around the site. 25°45'36.65" N  81°14'55.54" W should get you close.

I have a few pics of it if your interested. Can give you my email adress.

Good luck.


Mis understood, your looking for the offical report. 

Here's about the only thing i could find.

John Whigham

Hi Bob:

I was at the site a few months ago. I'm 90% sure the engine came from the 2/2/68 crash of 65-0604. It's eerie to see the engine in that setting. Glad the pilots survived!




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