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F4S Currently on show at the museum of flight, near Edinburgh Scotland

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David Philp
F4S Currently on show at the museum of flight, near Edinburgh Scotland

Hello All

Took the attached pictures yesterday during a visit to the Museum of Flight near Edinburgh, Scotland. The museum is based on an old Royal Naval Air service air station at East Fortune near the vilage of Drem in East Lothian. It eventually became RAF Eat Fortune during the second world war and was the departure point for the airship R34 when it made the first return crossing of the Atlantic.

The plate accompaning the F4S doesnt give much about its history other than it spent most of its career with the USN before joining the Marines. I beleive it maybe on loan from the Fleet Air Arm museum but i'm not sure. Maybe somebody on here will recognise it.




NICE Shots..  thanks!

East Fortune

With credit to Thunder and Lightnings:


155848 first flew in 1968 as an F-4J and flew as such with the US Navy before being converted to F-4S standard and transferring to the US Marine Corps in 1978. In 1983 she was retired and the Fleet Air Arm Museum acquired her not long afterwards in a strange deal that saw Scimitar XD220 crossing the pond in the opposite direction. Initially painted in RN colours and displayed at the museum, when they got hold of FG.1 XT596, this F-4 became surplus to requirements and languished on the airfield for a long time while all and sundry fought over her - it seems there wasn't a museum in the UK that didn't want to get hold of her. Unfortunately the usual Phantom bureaucrats were meddling, and it looked like she was going to be scrapped until, all of a sudden it seemed, the National Museum of Flight won the battle and she was handed over to them in May 1999. She's displayed in the colours of the USMC's VMFA 232, and looks pretty swish.

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