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Fred Sheffler

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Fred Sheffler

I'm sorry to just see the passing of Fred Sheffler. I met him at Phancon a couple years ago when we were at DM. I had my 4th TFS-Gunfighters T shirt on, and as we were shuffling along into the museum, somebody poked me on the back and said 'I was in the 4th'. We got to talking, and found out he was a pilot there same time as me, but he forgot to mention he was also a Mig killer! Someone told me that later that day. When I was there, we had a 'no fly north' rule in place. We had an excellent batch of 'young' pilots, 1Lt and Capts. All Gung-Ho to stumble across a stray Mig, but never happened in my time.(deros 9-71) Sometime in 72, the rule was lifted, and many went to Thailand to continue combat, while (presuming) to look like we were winding down.

Fred seemed like a calm, soft spoken man, that you would never guess would blow a friggin airplane out of the sky!

 RIP Fred

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