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Going through stuff my father gave me. USAF WSO, 81-90

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Going through stuff my father gave me. USAF WSO, 81-90

Major Garry "Mister" Rogers is my father, got LOTS of stuff from him, all his old flight manuals, operation manuals, bunch of slide rule computers, squadron operation and tactics manual from his time at Clark, 3rd Tac Puegots.  Anyhoots, need to get this stuff scanned, documented the works.  I am not selling it, giving it away, I do want to share the information however.  Here's a pic of a framed Phantom he got back in 82-83, flying out of Seymour Johnson.  Coach was his Squadron commander.  He and his wife used to baby sit my sister and I.
Anyhoots, I'm just an old school Phantom lover, grew up hearing them 4 ship after 4 ship in the overhead and never lost the passion.

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