Hi, Thomas McKelvey Cleaver (Tom) checking in.
I hope those of you who read this are familiar with my aviation writing. I am currently working on "The Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: The Naval Air Campaign In Vietnam," and intend to follow that with "Up North: The US Air Force In Vietnam." My books depend on the first-person memories of Those Who Were There.
I'd like to hear from any of you who were there, whether in the cockpit or otherwise. I've got several USN MiG -killers working with me, and several have put me in touch with their former adversaries in the VPAF, which is going to allow me to cover "both sides" as I was fortunate to do in my most recent book, "MiG Alley: The US Air Force in Korea 1950-53," which has received excellent reviews at places that don't normally cover books in this genre. I think the "both sides" has something to do with that, and I want to do that with both of these books. As a Vietnam veteran myself, I have attended four funerals of "young guys" my age in the past year, so please "Do It Now." I don't want to lose your story.
You can contact me at: tcinla1311-at-sbcglobal-dot-net. I'd love to hear from you. The stories that haven't been told are the ones I want to save.