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My Grandfather's F-4E 67-0242

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My Grandfather's F-4E 67-0242

 One of my grandfather's F-4's he was a crew chief on  transferred to the Turkish Air Force in the early 80's. I was wondering if any society members know the current status? Is it still flying, positioned as a gate guard, or scrapped/ destroyed. The tail number was 67-0242. Thanks all the best.

vietnam vet
67-0242 is still in service with Turkey

Fleet upgraded to 'Terminator 2020' standard by Israel Aerospace Industries and Turkish Aerospace Industries.[5] Şimşek upgrade in progress for improved avionics by ASELSAN.[6]

Thank you


Thank you for this information. I am so happy to hear that one of my grandfather's planes is still flying.

I am hoping that one of the foreign society members has recent pictures of it.

vietnam vet
Thank you for the picture of

Thank you for the picture of my Grandfather's F-4.

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