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Old Smoke Trails magazines

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Old Smoke Trails magazines

Hi All, I am a newer member of this site. I worked on F-4E's and F-4F's. I was active USAF 87-91 at George AFB 21st AMU. WCS. I got out of the AF and worked with Dyncorp and Lockheed/Martin in the 20th AMU Holloman AFB. I was hoping to order some older smoke trails magazines or PDF's before I lose the rest of my marbles. I think it was perhaps in smoke trails volume 10 that we went to the Louisianna Air Guard base. Or it was Mirimar NAB San Diego. Anybody know how I can order older smoke trails? thanks, Rich Hickey 

Kevin Kennedy
Smoke Trails back issues

Hi Rich,

  I just recently renewed my membership; was gone for a little while, but missed being on and connecting with the Phantom II Society. So I'm back and kinda new again too... Anyways, to answer your question about Smoke Trails back issues, I believe your on the mark with either reaching out to fellow members here on the Society Forum like you have, or hit eBay and check it out for older 'Hard' copies. You might be able to do a bit of "Horse Trading" with friends here or perhaps look up back issues through auction listings. Either way, I'm sure you will find what you're looking for. It's a really great magazine! Good luck! Kevin

   Couple of quick questions... Working the E's and F's is way awesome..! All 20th FS birds by chance while at George? Did you ever have the opportunity to work around or with any of the G's while at George? Perhaps, F-4G #69-0304? Holloman, for the time being, is a fantastic Phantom haven! Hope you enjoyed your time there and in New Mexico!


Smoke Trails back issues

Hi Kevin, thanks for the reply.

While at George, I was in the 21st which was right next to the 20th. I wish I would have volunteered for Bahrain, I would have worked on G's there, but I was separating in less than a year so I didn't throw my name in the hat. They ended up picking "volunteers" and I wasn't one of folks that went to Shaikh Isa Air Base, Bahrain.

I only got to work on E's at George and then F's when I was at Holloman. It was later at Holloman too as we didn't get F's until shortly before I left. I was hoping to work on the APG-65 radar ICE Fs but Lockheed Martin didn't have the money to send me to Germany. I left Holloman in March of 97.

I will look for smoke trails on Ebay, I didn't think of that. thanks again. Rich

Kevin Kennedy
Smoke Trails Back Issues

Hey Rich,

  Sounds like you have some really great Phantom experiences and Phantastic memories, both at George and Holloman. Hope to hear more from you about your Phantom time when convenient... My first (of several) Holloman visit was just a couple of months after you left, May 97... Never got to see George, but would have liked to... Love those 'Gun Nose' F-4s! Enjoyed seeing them lined up at HAFB back in the day. Believe all of the ICE Phantom's returned to Germany by 05... But, all other Luftwaffe training Phantoms (20th FS) 'rode West' into the setting sun @ AMARC/G... By now, there's not much left in the Arizona desert, I'm told... However, we have a lot of outstanding veterans here in our midst, you included... Phantom Plyers, Phixers and Loaders; all who served and share their Phantom memories with the group... A big thank you to you all!

  Gotta get those Smoke Trails back issues and read all about those Phantom Tales! Can't set the sun on that...

  All the best, Kevin


George Cobabe
Phantoms on Stamps

I am an old Phantom driver and am now wanting to collect every postage stamp that has an F-4 on it,   I have a list of about 25 countries that are reported to have such a stamp issue.  It was in part taken from an issue of Smoke Trails Vol 13, Number 2.  Can anyone help me get a copy of that article?  Can anyone help me obtain a list of such stamps from any source?

Thanks, George Cobabe

Kevin Kennedy
Phantoms on Stamps

Hi George,

  I might be able to help you... I have that Smoke Trails issue and article. Also, that same volume is currently available on eBay, if interested... Please let me know how I can assist. 

All the best, Kevin


George Cobabe
Phantoms on Stamps

That is great, Kevin.  If it were ;possible to scan the article and email the scan to me at I would really appreciate it.

I am hoping to locate all world wide issued of stamps showing F-4 and am hoping the article will add to my list.

I saw the issue on Ebay, but the cost was kinda silly for one article.

Thanks, George

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