PhanCon 2016, The Phinal Phlyout, is in the books and our 152 attendees enjoyed sunny weather and hot flying. We had plenty of opportunity to see, hear and feel QF-4E Phantoms in flight and a few other aircraft along the way. The F-4 Phantom II Society invites you to share your pictures with us to be placed in your own gallery on our website.
Three Galleries are up, but we still want your contributions! Leave your mark from this historic event.
Also, there will be a vote on the best photo from PhanCon. The winner receives a camera bag.
Photos will be downsized unless you do your own editing. If so, trim the size down to 960 x 720 pixels across.
Send only the photos you want to present, less than 100.
Email photos to If you would rather mail a cd, request the mailing address through that email.
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