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Photo of F-4C Rose's Gang

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Photo of F-4C Rose's Gang

Can anybody here help with tracking down a photo (assuming one exists) of Rose's Gang, an F-4C (63-7671) assigned to the 557 TFS, 12 TFW at Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam in early 1970? Particularly, a photo of the aircraft with its two crewmen: Capt. Thomas Daffron (pilot) and 1Lt Charles Morley (WSO). They were shot down and killed over Laos on 18 Feb. 1970 during a night mission against the Ho Chi Minh Trail. (Daffron and Morley were MIA until their remains were found in the early 1990s and positively IDed.) I am doing a story about Morley and his aircraft for the Missouri Aviation Historical Society's newsletter Middle Marker. If such a photo exists, I would like to get it by 5 Nov. for this article. Thank you in advance.


Bob Delaney

Member, Missouri Aviation Historical Society

Rose's Gang
The airframe has been moved

The airframe has been moved from JB to the Museum of Missouri Military History on the grounds of Ike Skelton Training Center/MONG HQ, in Jefferson City, MO.

Rose Gang Photo

Hi Bob,

I stumbled across this forum post while researching. If you are still looking for images of Rose's Gang, I have a slide of her circa 1968 from the collection of Dr. Glenn Thoreson, the 559th TFS flight surgeon in the 1967-69 timeframe. I'd be happy to share a digital copy with you if you still need it or want it for a display. Shoot me an email at

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