Any "photo troops" out there. I have just joined this site. I range from 1966 thru 1987. Bill Harwood. Great site and RF/F-4 oriented.
I was with the 15th TRS on Okinawa, Oct '66 to Jan '67 as 46230. We loaded photo flash, de-armed fuel tanks and finially loaded SUU-21's for pilot training for nuke delivery.
I was at Bergstrom from 89-92. Imagery Interpreter assigned to the 91st and 12th Tac Recce Squadrons.
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I was with the 15th TRS on Okinawa, Oct '66 to Jan '67 as 46230. We loaded photo flash, de-armed fuel tanks and finially loaded SUU-21's for pilot training for nuke delivery.
I was at Bergstrom from 89-92. Imagery Interpreter assigned to the 91st and 12th Tac Recce Squadrons.