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Smoke Trails 25-1 Released

Smoke Trails 25-1 has been released.  Members in good standing can download the latest copy from the Members Only Smoke Trails tab.  For everyone else, Smoke Trails will be available from the F-4 Store for $5 in a few days.


In this issue, a story from Roy "Outlaw" Cash covering 50 years from a Vietnam Mig Kill to a reunion between pilots, helping the VX-4, "Black Bunny" F-4S relocate from AMARG to the Castle Air Museum, 2 Canadians in Japan, John Norvell's story about being the perfect WSO and Shawn Byers' childhood love for the Phantom.  Carrier Air Wing One markings by MadsBangso, Greek Phantoms at Volkel Air Base, Turkish Phantoms at the Rotal International Air Tattoo,  John Scanlan's article about Air Combat Tactics Instructor and an update on the Phantom display projects that we have supported.

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