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Trying to contact Mike Lynam, former Phantom crew chief.

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Trying to contact Mike Lynam, former Phantom crew chief.

I am trying to contact Mike Lynam, who was a Phantom crew chief at RAF Bentwaters. I am a fellow crew chief (F-4E, 74-1634, Hahn AB, Germany). I have several very nice inflight photos of Mike Lynam's old Phantom, tail number 64-0888, that I took while I was on a ride-along on a KC-135 flight that was escorting '888 and another Phantom westward across the Atlantic Ocean while they were on their way home to the U.S.  I would like to get in touch with Mike Lynam so I can send him copies of my photos of his old jet. If Mike, or anyone who knows him, reads this post, please ask him to drop me a line at so I can arrange to send him some photos of '888. Thanks.  Bill Wheeler

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