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USMC Phantom aircrew - help request

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USMC Phantom aircrew - help request

Many thanks for allowing me to join the group. I am not a Marine but I do have an interest in Marine aviation. My own service was with the British RAF (35 years) and I am now an aviation historian and writer. I am working on an article about the use of the F-4 Phantom by the USMC and hope to make contact with those who flew it to gather recollections and information. If you think you can help me please send me a private message and I will give you details of what I want to know.

Yours aye


William L. Stein
USMC F-4 Ops

I flew F-4Bs in Vietnam in 1968 with VMFA-122 and VMFA-542.  I was also Maintenance Officer for VMFA-323 in 1972-73.What would you like to know?

William L. Stein
USMC F-4 Ops

You may contact me at

Phantom help

Thank you very much for responding to my request for help. You are the first to reply after six weeks of waiting. I have sent you an email detailing the information I am looking for. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours aye

Tom Docherty

F4 driver, Chu Lai, Tet 68, 69

Tom, I would be happy to share 337 combat

missions, which took place during a particularly

hot period of the war. You can open any discussion

points you wish. Regards, 


Thanks Robert, will email you.



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