dear Phantom Phriends.
Over the past 10 years I have visited the States in search for Preserved Phantoms. Made an overview on the location of 250+ Phantoms, and in 2009 I decided to try to photograph as many as possible. Currently I have had 240 in front of my camera, so I think I can say I made good progress.
This year I'm visiting California (July / Aug), and want to photograph the preserved Phantoms on display at Fresno ANGB, JRB March, Nellis AFB and at the AFFTC Museum at Edwards AFB. Obviously I have requested help of the Public Affairs offices, but no responses so far.
Is there anybody who want to be my sponsor/escort for a quick 'hit-and-run' visit to the F-4 on display at any of these locations ? If so, I can provide my passport ID and ESTA nr for the Security check. Hope somebody can help me.
Coert van Breda
Editor SmokeTrails