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F-4C 64-0707

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F-4C 64-0707

I am restoring the cockpit of an F-4C, Tail 64-0707, which I believe was delivered  From production at St Louis to the 366TFW Holloman '65
To 12TFW Cam Ranh Bay '66
To 347TFW Clark '68 - operating from Clark, Osan and Yokota till '71
To 18TFW Kadena '71?

Its final assignment was with the 171st FIS/191st FIG Michigan ANG, where it carried the Nose Art "Dont Mess With The Kid", it was retired to RAF Lakenheath as an ABDR airframe before being scrapped in 1996.
I am looking for further informstion on the units it was assigned to during its operational career and  photos of the aircraft or any information relating to the aircraft such as Nose art, Air and Ground Crew assigned to this jet.
I have the front and rear instrument panels complete and I think I have most of the side console equipment, radios etc.
Still looking for a B8 Stick grip for the front cockpit, I have the rear stick complete. Also looking for a Dash One for the F-4C.

I am planning to build a cockpit section to house the panels and side consoles, I have a front canopy and am hoping to find a rear canopy.
Thank you for your time in reading my message hope that someone may remember this jet.
I am a Royal Air Force Veteran and this project is my retirement pastime.

F-4C 64-0707 , Construction Number 959
From production at St Louis to the 366TFW Holloman '65
To 12TFW Cam Ranh Bay '66
To 347TFW Clark '68 - operating from Clark, Osan and Yokota till '71
To 18TFW Kadena '71?




I have been very grateful to have recieved a stick top for my project, and am now starting to try to put it all together. Still loking for some other items such as PCU-15 Harness x 2 and a Michigan SIX PACK F-4 Patch.

I have the full history of the aircraft now and it is as follows;


F -4C, s/n 64-0707

Manufactured by McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis MO and gained by the USAF on 3 May 1965.

 May 1965 -To 366th Tactical Fighter Wing (Tactical Air Command), Holloman AFB NM

Jan 1966 -To 12th Tactical Fighter Wing (Pacific Air Forces), Cam Ranh Bay AB Vietnam

Mar 1969 - To 347th Tactical Fighter Wing (PACAF), Yokota AB Japan (deployments to Clark AB Philippines and Osan AB Korea)

Mar 1970 - To 58th Tactical Training Wing (TAC), Luke AFB

May 1971 -To 18th Tactical Fighter Wing (PACAF), Kadena AB Japan (deployment to Ching Chuan Kang AB Taiwan)

Jun 1975- To 35th Tactical Fighter Wing (TAC), George AFB CA

Dec 1975- To 58th Tactical Fighter Training Wing (TAC), Luke AFB AZ

Mar 1978 - To 191st Fighter –Interceptor Group (Air National Guard), Selfridge ANGB MI

16 Jul 1986  Delivered to RAF Mildenhall as an ABDR

Airframe later moved to RAF Lakenheath where it was scrapped in 1996

If anyone has any memories of this aircraft I would be very interested to hear from you.




How 391 TFS/366 TFW joined 12 TFW

The 555th TFS assignment involved a game of PACAF “musical chairs” from the lack of adequate SEA facilities for permanent placement of arriving units.

At MacDill AFB, 555th was included in the 6 November 1965 12 TFW movement order to SEA. This was amended for PCS status to Naha AB, Okinawa, as an interim station until relieved by an F-102 rotational squadron, then relocate to Cam Ranh Bay.

The 555th TFS arrived at Naha AB on 11 November 1965 by C-135 with men only and assigned F-4s and assets of 559 TFS that returned to MacDill on the same airlift. The air defense mission in Okinawa could not be abandoned and a decision made to keep the 555th there until a replacement unit could be identified. The remainder of 12th TFW (557, 558 & 559 TFS) deployed from MacDill AFB, Florida, to Cam Ranh Bay, RSVN, beginning 14 November 1965 to 3 January 1966.


According to Wikipedia: An F-102 squadron at Hamilton AFB, CA, was picked to replace the 555th at Naha. The F-102 was not able to air refuel so the planes were modified to a probe and drogue refueling configuration and the pilots trained to perform air refueling, a new concept for an interceptor squadron. The F-102s arrived at Naha in late February 1966.

Phantom-equipped 366th TFW, Holloman AFB, NM, (389, 390, 391, 480 TFS) who received PCS orders to SEA at Phan Rang AB, became itinerant units. The 391st TFS arrived attached to 12 TFW at Cam Ranh on 30 January 1966, awaiting completion of runway construction at Phan Rang. The 389th TFS F-4Cs landed at Phan Rang 14 March 1966 to join HQ 366th TFW and other F-100s squadrons already here. The 390th (17 November 1965) [1] & 480 TFS (1 February 1966) [2] eventually arrived at Da Nang, attached to 6252d TFW ( Provisional) which became 35 TFW on 14 March 1966. The 35 TFW designation only (without men or aircraft) at Da Nang transferred on 1 October 1966 to Phan Rang supporting the F-100s; and on this date, 366th TFW reconsolidated at Da Nang with three F-4 squadrons—389th, 390th and 480th TFS.

Cam Ranh AB could only facilitate four Phantom squadrons including the 391st. Plans were altered to send 555th to Da Nang Airport, Vietnam, when specified by CINCPAC AF. Finally, they assigned 555th PCS to 8th TFW, Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base in northern Thailand, near Vientiane, Laos, on 21 February 1966. With 555th posted to another Wing, the 391st TFS became permanently assigned to 12th TFW at Cam Ranh AB on 23 June 1966.


1.      390th Tactical Fighter Squadron deployed to Asia on 29 October 1965. While officially assigned   to Da Nang Air Base, South Vietnam, the unit actually operated from Clark Air Base, the Philippines, until 17 November 1965 when it made the move to Da Nang.


[3][2] The 480 TFS deployed to Da Nang AB, South Vietnam on 1 February 1966 and was first attached to the 6252 TFW, then assigned to the 35 TFW and re-assigned to the 366 TFW.





Switching 555 & 391 TFS designation theory?

In the previous post, the last paragraph read:

"Cam Ranh AB could only facilitate four Phantom squadrons including the 391st. Plans were altered to send 555th to Da Nang Airport, Vietnam, when specified by CINCPAC AF. Finally, they assigned 555th PCS to 8th TFW, Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base in northern Thailand, near Vientiane, Laos, on 21 February 1966. With 555th posted to another Wing, the 391st TFS became permanently assigned to 12th TFW at Cam Ranh AB on 23 June 1966."

I suspect that "if" 555 TFS received PCS assignment to Da Nang, then eventually, men and aircraft would remain at both Da Nang and Cam Ranh, but designations would be switched between both squadrons. Thus, 555 TFS title would return to 12 TFW, and the 391 TFS back to 366 TFS.  This is only supposition and never happened. 



391 TFS arrival detailed in 12 TFW records



The 12 TFW files contain 391 TFS discrepancies on dates and aircraft arriving at CRAB. Here is what is listed: 


18 F-4C Phantoms from 391st TFS, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, left for SEA on 27 January 1966 led by L/C W. L. (Jack) Doherty. They completed the last leg from Andersen AFB, Guam, arriving at CRAB 30 January. The flight was greeted by Col. Levi R. Chase, 12 TFW commander.




The 391st FS deployed from Holloman AFB, New Mexico on 26 January 1966 with 20 F-4Cs to CRAB via Hawaii and Guam. It was planned that one day would be spent for each leg; however, an extra day was taken at Hawaii due to operational activities at Guam. The entire deployment was completed as planned. Those contingencies which occurred such as hydraulic failure, air refueling failure and other problems were handled as brief. Adequate preplanning, training and coordination with tanker force were fundamental to the successful deployment.


Facilities for squadron operations, maintenance and personnel housing had been prepared in advance by the 12th TFW. The aircrew began theater indoctrination training on 31 January.  The first combat mission was flown by the squadron commander on 2 February.


A major problem resulted from the squadron not being permanently assigned to a wing for the first five months of operations. The squadron was deployed as part of the 366th TFW overseas movement. On arrival at CRAB the 391st was placed under the operational control of 12th TFW.  Packaging of equipment and assignment of ground personnel was based on a plan which called for the 366th TFW to reform with its deployed squadrons. After arrival at CRAB the airmen remained under the command of 391st TFS, however, they worked for the Deputy for Material complex according to their AFSC's. Approximately one-third of the airmen were in a TDY status to other bases for indefinite periods of time.


Note: AF HRA factsheet states 391 TFS left Holloman AFB 26 January 1966; they arrived at Hawaii that same day; remained for two days and departed 28 January. Crossing the International Date Line they gained one day, 29 January, and arrived at Guam. They departed Guam 30 January and arrived at CRAB.


Michael R Brown
555TFS assignments

Just read your post regarding the 555TFS. You indicated that the "Triple Nickle" was assigned to the 8th TFW, which is true,

But the 8thTFW at that time was stationed in Ubon,not Udorn Thailand. You will find Ubon RTAFB further south and east of Udorn but still near tha Laotian border. I was a member of the maintenance party that went with the 555thTFS when they departed Ubon for an "in country PCS (permanent change of station)to Udorn RTAFB. That would have been in the late spring/early summer of 1968. Hope this clears things up a bit. Phantoms Phorever.

Udorn correction

Michael Brown

 You are the second person to question 555 TFS assignment to Udorn. I obtained the information from:

[Okinawa]12 Dec 1964-9 Mar 1965 and 11 Dec 1965-c. 21 Feb 1966); Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, c. 25 Feb 1966; Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 20 Jul 1966; Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, 28 May 1968-5 Jul 1974;

It appears the HRA fact sheet is incorrect. The HRA fact sheet may contain misinformation on 555 assignment "11 Dec 1965" to Okinawa, whereas 12 TFW records give an 11 November 1965 date. I ordered from HRA, 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing (Okinawa) records on CD to access information on dates. Will post the information to this forum.

64-707 at Yokota

Elvis 01,

I remember this bird from my days at Yokota, AB.  I was assigned to the 347th TFW, 80 TFS from January '69 to January '71.  During that time we did deployment TDY's to Osan AB, Korea as part of a regular rotation with the other 2 squadrons in the wing which were the 35th TFS and 36th TFS. I was a crew chief on them, but never on 707.  Good luck with your project.  I would love to see pictures of her as you progress on your project.


How 391 TFS displaced 555 TFS, 12 TFW in RSVN

How 391TFS displaced 555 TFS, 12 TFW in Vietnam by Norman Malayney

(The following is an outline highlighting [my interpretation] events involving 391 & 555 TFS rejoining their original wings. Many  USAF files still remained classified, thus contains incomplete charting. The enclosed is a best-case scenario based on available sources.)

On 8 January 1964, the 555 Tactical Fighter Squadron (TFS) emerged at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. The squadron formed from elements of the 557, 558 and 559 TFS at MacDill, when the parent 12 Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) reduced the number of aircraft from three squadrons of 25 aircraft each to four squadrons of 18 aircraft.

To counter future Sino-Soviet threats of supersonic fighters and bombers, a 1962 Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) study urged upgrades replacing F-100 and F-102 units; production ceased on both aircraft and hampered revisions and parts acquisition. USAF confronted budgetary problems and PACAF favored TDY deployment of modern F-4C CONUS units to both Naha AB, Okinawa and Clark AB, PI, to fill the Air Defense (AD) role.[i]

In December 1963, Naha grounded 24 of 29 F-102s due to air intake duct corrosion from sea spray. In November 1964, USAF delegated the 12th to support PACAF Contingency Operations by rotating squadrons quarterly to Naha AB. The units operated under 51 Fighter Interceptor Wing (FIW) to perform AD interceptor duties for Ryukyu Islands.

On 8 December 1964, 555th deployed to Naha AB, Okinawa, via Hickam AFB, Hawaii, to assume the first three-month rotational AD commitment and arrived 10 December (crossed the International Date Line, gaining one day) replacing 16  Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS), F-102s that stood-down on 12 December. [ii]

During the 9-16 March 1965 quarterly period, 558TFS deployed to Okinawa using six Military Air Transport Service (MATS) C-135 aircraft. Aircrews arrived the 11th and assumed the quarterly alert commitment on 12 March. Triple Nickel personnel returned to MacDill on the same airlift.

On 9 June, 559 TFS departed MacDill to relieve 558th in Okinawa. The flight via Hickam proceeded without incident with 20 aircraft recovering at Naha where 559th assumed alert duties on 12 June. 558 TFS departed Okinawa on 15 June flying their jets to MacDill.

To digress: Of four 12 TFW squadrons, 557th comprised an “incomplete” unit with 12 aircraft at MacDill and 6 others at Eglin AFB for weapons development and testing. The aircrews and mechanics for the six birds were initially TDY, then PCS to Eglin as Detachment 1. Thus, 557th never deployed TDY to Okinawa for alert duty like the other three squadrons, 555th, 558th and 559th. Instead, 557th took their aircraft during 1964-65 to CONUS war games and firepower demonstrations.

On the morning of 4 October 1965, 12 TFW personnel assembled en mass in a hangar at MacDill to receive official PCS notification of 555, 557 and 558 TFS reassignment to SEA (559th was already TDY in Naha).  By 14 October most preparations were complete and personnel released for leaves. As directed by 836 Air Division on 25 October 1965, 555th assumed the “TDY” commitment with 51FIW, Okinawa, from the 559th. 

The 555th assignment involved a game of PACAF “musical chairs” from a lack of adequate SEA facilities for permanent placement of arriving units.

At MacDill, 555th was included in a 6 November, 12 TFW movement orders to SEA; 557 and 558  TFS were assigned to Cam Ranh AB, Vietnam. The AD mission in Okinawa could not be abandoned and orders amended 555th from TDY to “PCS” status at Naha AB as an interim station until a replacement unit could be identified, then relocate to Cam Ranh. This was the 555th second deployment to Naha. From 7-15 November, MATS C-135 flights from MacDill arrived at Naha with 555th to secure 559th assets. 559th personnel-only proceeded to MacDill on the returning airlift. A 3 December USAF order substituted 559th TFS for 555th in the 12 TFW deployment.

To digress: In 1965, 12 TFW was committed to meet the Okinawa AD role. 15 TFW at MacDill began deploying its F-4Cs squadrons to SEA. In April 45 TFS arrived at Ubon, Thailand, for a 120-day TDY combat assignment, and later replaced by 47 TFS. In May, 46 TFS F-4Cs arrived at Clark AB to meet PACAF Contingency AD commitment for the Philippine Islands (PI) while Clark’s FIW F-102s went TDY to Thailand and Vietnam. In August, 43 TFS personnel-only arrived from MacDill to assume the PI AD role from the 46th, who’s personnel-only returned to CONUS. Both 46th and 43d became an F-4C “spare parts department” for SEA. Lack of parts and cannibalization grounded numerous 43d aircraft resulting in low utilization. Combat loss F-4C replacements delegated to Thailand-based units reduced the 43d to nine aircraft. When the remaining F-4Cs at Clark became fully serviceable, 43d transferred to Cam Ranh on 1 November with six aircraft, the first Vietnam-based Phantom squadron and began combat operations 2 November. (15 TFW hx via W.H. Plunkett) 


The 12 TFW (557 and 558 TFS) deployed from MacDill to Cam Ranh, Vietnam, beginning 14 November. The 558 TFS flew their aircraft across the Pacific arriving 17 November. After checkout by 43d pilots, 558th began combat operations on the 19thfrom the AM2 runway. During the 14 November MacDill departure, 557th followed behind 558th in MATS C-135 transports to Clark AB, PI, remained overnight, and next day C-130s transported squadron personnel to Cam Ranh. On 22 November, 557th aircrew flew by C-130 to Ubon to take charge of 16 F-4Cs left behind by departing 47 TFS. 557th ferried the aircraft to Cam Ranh and began flying operations the 26th. [iii] A checkout program was conducted by both 558 and 43 TFS. {HRA Fact Sheet list 557th tenure at CRAB began 1 December, though arriving 18 November [MacDill AFB, FL, 25 Apr 1962-Nov 1965; Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam, 1 Dec 1965-31 Mar 1970].

Beginning 1 January 1966, 559TFS personnel-only began arriving at Cam Ranh by C-130s from MacDill to replace 43 TFS, completing transfer by 4 January. 43d personnel-only departed on the return C-130 airlift to MacDill, as 559th took charge of 43d assets. Subsequent theatre checkouts were given to aircrews of 559 TFS, and later 391 TFS and 389 TFS (Phan Rang).

Phantom-equipped 366 TFW at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, (389, 390, 391, 480 TFS) received PCS orders to SEA at Phan Rang AB, but became itinerant units. The 391 TFS arrived at Cam Ranh on 30 January 1966 and placed under 12 TFW operational control, awaiting completion of AM2 runway construction at Phan Rang.[iv] The 390th (17 November 1965) [v] & 480th TFS (1 February 1966) [vi] arrived at Da Nang, attached to 6252 TFW [provisional] which formalized as 35 TFW on 14 March 1966. [vii] The 389 TFS landed at Phan Rang 14 March 1966 and joined HQ 366th TFW that arrived the same day, followed weeks later by several F-100 units. The 35th TFW designation only (without men or aircraft) at Da Nang transferred on 1 October 1966 to Phan Rang supporting F-100s; and on this date, 366 TFW reconsolidated at Da Nang with three F-4 squadrons—389, 390 and 480 TFS.

According to Wikipedia ( An F-102 squadron in California, was picked to replace the 555th at Naha. The F-102 was not able to air refuel so the planes were modified to a probe and drogue refueling configuration and the pilots trained to perform air refueling, a new concept for an interceptor squadron. The F-102s arrived at Kadena, then to Naha late February 1966. (82d FIS, 17 February 1966).


Cam Ranh could only facilitate four Phantom squadrons including the 391st. This left  555 TFS out on a limb in Naha with nowhere to go. Plans were previously altered 3 December to send 555th to Da Nang Airport, Vietnam, when specified by CINCPACAF. [viii] Finally, they attached 555th to 8 TFW, Udorn in northern Thailand, near Vientiane, Laos, on 25 February 1966 ( With 555th posted (interim?) to another wing, the attached 391 TFS became PCS to 12 TFW at Cam Ranh AB on 23 June 1966 (

Triple Nickel operated from Udorn until June, 1966 when half of the Squadron moved to Ubon RTAFB and half remained at Udorn flying some missions, RESCAP and Escorts, with newly arrived 435 TFS flying F-104s.[ix] The half of the Squadron (B flight) was then moved to Ubon in early July and the squadron officially PCS 20 July to Ubon   The original 555th pilots remained at Ubon until completing their tour in July and August, 1966 and then rotated to CONUS.



[i]    MicrofilmReel 30553,  Letter, frames 030-034.


[ii]    51 FIW, AFHRA, CD #MO748.


[iii]    K140.131, End of Tour Report (LtCol Allen J. Diefendorf) 15 Nov 1965-13 Oct. 1966, AFHRA, page 1 & 2.


[iv]  Phan Rang encountered a host of construction problems. Aluminum AM2 matting shortage, compounded by heavy rains delaying work and an unanticipated increased amount of earth to be moved, delayed completion from December to April 1966. By mid-March an AM2 runway was finalized but unseasonable rains damaged the field postponing transfer in of two F-4 squadrons. Construction continued on a 10,000 feet concrete runway (John Schlight, The War in South Vietnam: The Years of the Offensive 1965-1968, Office of Air Force History, 1988, P-87).


[v] 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron deployed to Asia on 29 October 1965. While officially attached to Da Nang Air Base, South Vietnam, the unit actually operated from Clark Air Base, the Philippines, until 17 November 1965 when it made the move to Da Nang.

 [… Da Nang AB, South Vietnam, 29 Oct 1965-30 Jun 1972 (deployed at Clark AB, Philippines, 29 Oct-c. 17 Nov 1965)…  ]



[vi]  The 480 TFS deployed to Da Nang AB, South Vietnam on 1 February 1966 and was first attached to the 6252 TFW, then assigned to the 35 TFW and re-assigned to 366 TFW.



[vii]   Though 390 TFS was attached to Da Nang, it remained at Clark AB, PI, until 17 November 1965. According to 15 TFW files, 13th AF would only allow six of nine available 43d Phantoms at Clark to transfer PCS to Cam Ranh on 1 November (via WH Plunkett). The 43 TFS transfer to Cam Ranh compromised the PI AD duty. I suspect 390 TFS was held at Clark to fill this role until replacement AD aircraft/unit arrived. Again speculation [390 TFS: (Da Nang AB, South Vietnam, 29 Oct 1965-30 Jun 1972 (deployed at Clark AB, Philippines, 29 Oct-c. 17 Nov 1965)

Question: Why did 391 TFS remain attached at Cam Ranh until 23 June 1966 before PCS to 12 TFW? I suspect the 555th move from Naha to Udorn was again an interim measure until USAF could return the squadron back to 12 TFW. I suspect the assigned assets (USN, USMC & USAF) had overcrowded Da Nang (created a bottleneck) and prevented 391 TFS at Cam Ranh to rejoin 366 TFW (lack of available space). The stranded 391st at Cam Ranh thwarted Triple Nickel rejoining the 12th (lack of available space). The 555th remained attached at Udorn until achieving PCS (interim?) assignment 25 March 1966. This is strictly “speculation” based on AFHRA fact sheets and is amenable to correction. [Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, c. 25 Feb 1966; Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 20 Jul 1966; Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, 28 May 1968-5 Jul 1973;… Assignments. 12 Tactical Fighter Wing, 8 Jan 1964 (attached to 51 Fighter Interceptor Wing, 12 Dec 1964-9 Mar 1965, 11 Dec 1965-21 Feb 1966, and 8 Tactical Fighter Wing, c. 22 Feb-4 Mar 1966); Thirteenth Air Force, 4 Mar 1966 (attached to 8 Tactical Fighter Wing, 4-24 Mar 1966); 8 Tactical Fighter Wing, 25 Mar 1966; 432 Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 1 Jun 1968;.. ]


Note: 559th TFS began TDY at Naha AB, Okinawa, on 12 June 1965. According to 51 FIW, Okinawa records (AFHRA, CD #MO748), 559th remained at Naha after 555th arrival and completed CONUS transfer by 15 November. Whereas, AFHRA fact sheet states 559th returned to CONUS circa 7 Sept??? The 559th achieved 836 Air Division control on 8 November while TDY at Naha AB, Okinawa. [Assignments.  12 Tactical Fighter Wing, 25 Apr 1962 (attached to 51 Fighter-Interceptor Wing, 12 Jun-c. 7 Sep 1965); 836 Air Division, 8 Nov 1965; 12 Tactical

Fighter Wing, 27 Dec 1965-31 Mar 1970;… ]


[viii]   Speculation:390 TFS at Da Nang awaited approval for Phan Rang transfer (AM2 runway construction completion scheduled for December 1965). Once 390th moved to Phan Rang, 555 TFS could potentially occupy the Da Nang vacancy in December?


[ix]    Eight F-104Cs of the 435th TFS landed at Udorn, Thailand on 6 June attached to 8th TFW and began flying missions in concert with 8th TFW F-4C aircraft (555th) escorting F-105 strikes over NVN.( International F-104 Society, )



Date 64-0707 left Cam Ranh Bay 12 TFW

The 12 TFW Quarterly Reports list a maintenance roster on current aircraft. The Quarterly Report Jan-March 1968 has 64-0707 transferred to another organization on 19/3/68.

Update on my Project,


Ex USAF F-4C 64-0707, Next step, I am starting to build a cockpit tub to fit it all back into, still looking for a few items

Manufactured by McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis MO and gained by the USAF on 3 May 1965.

May 1965 -To 366th Tactical Fighter Wing (Tactical Air Command), Holloman AFB NM

Jan 1966 -To 12th Tactical Fighter Wing (Pacific Air Forces), Cam Ranh Bay AB Vietnam

Mar 1969  - To 347th Tactical Fighter Wing (PACAF), Yokota AB Japan (deployments to Clark AB Philippines and Osan AB Korea)

May 1971 -To 18th Tactical Fighter Wing (PACAF), Kadena AB Japan (deployment to Ching Chuan Kang AB Taiwan)

Jun 1975 - To 35th Tactical Fighter Wing (TAC), George AFB CA

Dec 1975 - To 58th Tactical Fighter Training Wing (TAC), Luke AFB AZ

Mar 1970  - To 58th Tactical Training Wing (TAC), Luke AFB
Mar 1978  - To 191st Fighter –Interceptor Group (Air National Guard), Selfridge ANGB MI

16 Jul 1986  Delivered to RAF Mildenhall as an ABDR
                    Airframe later moved to RAF Lakenheath where   
                     it was scrapped in 1996.

It's final operational assignment was to the 191st FIG/ 171st FIS, Michigan ANG on 27 March 1978.

While with the 171st it carried 2 different sets of nose art and I believe that it participated in at least one William Tell competition.

The first set of nose art carried was "I don't take defeat lightly", while the second was the Bugs Bunny "Don't mess with the kid".

It departed Selfridge ANGB, as part of a 5 ship formation at 0337 EDT on 16 July 1986 707 landing at  RAF Mildenhall, the other 4 landed at RAF Lakenheath, one remained there and the other 3 departed next day to bases in Europe, all 5 were for use as Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Airframes.

It was later moved by CH-47helicopter to RAF Lakenheath to continue as an ABDR Airframe,  on 1/8/90 a US Army CH-47 tried to lift it out of Mildenhall to Lakenheath however it was too heavy so more kit was removed and then 707 was lifted on 18/9/90

It remained at Lakenheath until it was scrapped in 1996. I saved the interior from the scrapman

I am now beginning to build a cockpit tub/rig to put the panels and controls into along the lines of a simulator cockpit tub.

I am seeking the missing parts to complete the cockpit, namely;

H7 Ejection Seat Base x 1
H7 Ejection Seat Main Beam x 2
PSP Cushion
Back Cushion for Rear Seat
Rear Canopy
Front Windscreen Assembly
Front Rudder Pedals
One Rear Rudder Pedal
Control Column Mounting Box Front Cockpit

Any other USAF F-4C Cockpit parts

Fascinated with your project - Dad flew the C out of Cam Rahn

My dad was an F-4C pilot and was stationed at Cam Rahn in 66-67 with the 559th TFS.  I've got some great slides of him and various aircraft during that time - am in the process of converting them to digital format to create a book of his 20 years as a fighter pilot.

Late Reply - Father's Name?

A good friend of mine, Dr. Glenn Thoreson, was also assigned to the 559th at CRB and was the flight surgeon for the Squadron. If you father was a pilot, I would be willing to bet money that they crossed paths at one point or another. What is your father's name? I'll ask Glenn about him the next time I see him. Glenn also had an impressive collection of slides which he has very graciously allowed me to digitize and share online via Aerial Visuals. 

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